人教精通版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 3 My father is a

时间:2024-07-11 21:49:47
人教精通版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 3 My father is a teacher教学设计

人教精通版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 3 My father is a teacher教学设计

作为一名无私奉献的老师,时常需要准备好教学设计,教学设计要遵循教学过程的基本规律,选择教学目标,以解决教什么的问题。我们该怎么去写教学设计呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的人教精通版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 3 My father is a teacher教学设计,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。






本课谈论有关家人职业的话题,关于这个话题,学生有一些相关的语言储备如三年级下册Uint 3 This is my father中学到的介绍自己的家人。经过四年级上册Unit 1 This is my new friend的学习,已经能询问并回答家庭成员的组成以及职业。为丰富学生的语言表达,我又补充了一些学生熟悉的描述人物外貌的说法,为最后的语言输出埋好伏笔。






2、能熟练掌握句型:Here is a picture of my family

This is my father。 He's a writer。

This is my mother,She's a singer。









重点:能熟练掌握句型:This is my father。 He's a writer。

This is my mother,She's a singer。












Teaching Steps

1。 Warming—up

(1)Sing a song:FATHER AND MOTHER

Then change words:Brother and sister

(2)Play a game:

Let Ss look at PowerPoint and guess WHAT ARE THEY?

【设计意图】(To arouse the interests of learning English,I choose singing and playing a game to attract the students。)

Step 2:Presentations

(1)Look at the photo from my family and let the Ss ask questions about my family。

eg:Whatdoes your father / motherdo?How old are you?

Thentheteacher will introduce her family。 To learn two key sentences

This is my father,he’s a writer。

This is my mother,she’s a singer。

【设计意图】(This part joins the sentence structures together with the daily—use situations 。 So that the students can read the text easily。)

(2)Show Tom’s family photo to the Ss and let themask some questions about his family。 Then let the Ss answer questionsand put word cards on the blackboard。

eg:How old is Tom?What class is he in?

Whatdoeshis father / mother do?

【设计意图】(In this part,the students should listen to the tape with questions 。 It is a good way with function of establishing the good listening habit,which means,the students can try to get the point of the text between lines。 With the teacher’s help,the students can understand the text easily;meanwhile,they can gradually form the good habit of studying in anactive way。)

(3)Fill in the form

Listen and read again,let Ss fill in the form and answer the questions。

【设计意图】(In this part,the students will be divided into groups。 Team work will help them understand the passage。)

(4)Read the passage again

Let Ss read theword cards on the blackboard and repeat the text。

【设计意图】(In this part,the students shall retell the text by joint theinformation—points together。 This part canarouse the interests of language learning as well as consolidating the language points,they have just learnt。)

(5)Group work:Fill in the blank

Six Ss inone group。 They will fill in the blankwith the words。 Then let Ss read it。

【设计意图】(In this part,the students should work in groups to understand what is co—operation and help them keep the interests of language learning。)

(6)Read text

【设计意图】(The students will consolidate what they havelearnt by reading it altogether。)

(7)Additional Activities

Six Ss will act asone family。 One student will give orders,other Ss will act them。

【设计意图】(This part willarousethe studying interests by creating the real situation that the Ss know doing this,the Ss will be encouraged to speak out。 Then the language skills of speaking will be trained and enhanced。

(8)Emotional education

Let the students know the qualificationsand characteristicsof “loving your family,treating them well”。

Step 3:Homework

Introduce your family to your friends。


Unit 3 My father is a teacher


Here is a picture of my family 。

This is my father 。 He’s a writer 。

This is my mother 。 She’s a singer 。

The key purpose of this lesson

The key purpose of this lesson is to help the students understand and use the sentences of “This is my father。 He is a teacher。 This is my mother,she is a tailor。”Also,help them use these sentences to talk about the jobs of their family member’s,and introduce their family members to other people。

The teaching difficulty of this lesson

The teaching difficulty of this lesson is how to joint the teaching points with the real situation。 I designed a series of real—life language use situations so that the students can practice the sentences step by step and acquire the use of these sentences in a natural way。

《人教精通版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 3 My father is a teacher教学设计.doc》
